Friday, March 9, 2012

How do you use cheat-codes in Crysis?

I know the cheats, and I know that they are case-sensitive. I also know that you have to type "con_restricted 0" before entering cheats. However, I cannot get it to work. I know that it is said that either you type "con_restricted 0" or go into "devmode". What is "devmode", and how do you go into it? Thanks everyone!How do you use cheat-codes in Crysis?
Use the console brought up by ` you must be in Devmode or have entered con_restricted = 0 in the console previously. Any weapon item or attachment can be spawned using i_giveitem eg. i_giveitem SOCOM. You need to know all the different items names and they're a little criptic at times and case sensitive! Useful if you would like a specific item from the start of the game such as a sniper scope! You can also add some of the weapons from Multiplayer like mines and claymores to single player!

Developer Mode Cheats

Start the game with the command-line shortcut of -DEVMODE. This will enable new cheat keys that can be used in the game.How do you use cheat-codes in Crysis?
You actually have to change some coding in your game file itself. I don't recall specifically, but I do know you have to do that in order for the cheats to take effect. See the website attached for a detailed description.

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